Cleaners uses toilet brush on guest glasses in China. Brush Cleaners Cleaners uses toilet brush on guest glasses in China. [undervideobanner] [undervideotext] Video from Amit Suresh Gambhir Related posts:China hotel cleaners caught washing towels in toilets, cleaning cups with toilet brushesDo It Yourself Makeup Brush Cleaner?Cleaning & Caring For Your Watercolor BrushesMakeup Brush Spinner CleanerZero Waste, Green, and Eco-Friendly Household Cleaners7 MUST HAVE Cleaning Products & Tools!Brush cleanersEBAY MAKEUP BRUSH CLEANER FAIL! Lucy Jayes LifeLuxe Brush Cleaning System Does it Work?HOW TO CLEAN MAKEUP BRUSHES!Is Baby Shampoo Safe for Makeup Brushes? Can You Clean Brushes with Baby Shampoo | Brush CleaningJust the FAQs - EP1 Brush CleanersShare this:TwitterFacebookMorePinterestWhatsAppPocketTumblrRedditTelegramLinkedInEmailPrint