hi guys I'm Emily Bonanno I'm here todaywith makeup artist Aaron Parsons and weare going to show you guys how to do 90ssupermodel makeup so steak you can findout how to get for a 90s supermodel Ithink that really amazing contourhighlight something we kind of all donow in this social media age I think youguys all know how to do that so I'm justleft give it all and go right to theeyebrowwhat is the 90's eyebrow shape basicallyit's just that like heavy arch and notperfected and really well groomed anddone eyebrow I'm taking the ultra slimpencil and I'm drawing on the shape youhave such a nice arch on this one so Imatch this I brought to this lookalready mm-hmm just drawing the line onthe top and we're just gonna fill it inand when I do these strokes and you justfollow like this the way the hair goesand this is actually like you can wearyour eyebrows like this for real likethis is gorgeousthat already looks so hello there hardfor me to do I feel like eyebrows or notI mean I know they're not they don'thave to be twins they've just sistersbut mine are like cousin Isaac I meanwhen people always say that they couldbe like sisters I'm like nobody's to meoh we should try to make them drink sotrying to make some time not for turtleidentical I think for you it's alwaysabout starting at your arch and yourvery most of it they're like this pencilis so thin it makes it really easy justput in the strokes and then you brushthrough with the supermodel brow I canjust keep pumping it up so I'm justgonna keep using that pencil you feelextra tall right now with like your hairyeah like that since we're like takingyour brows one extra step this is thebrow pomade in soft brown I'm gonnaagain start at the arch and we're justgonna add another layer just because thebrows were pretty intensive in thosedays so we can just kick it up a notch[Music]okay two hours later now I'm going to gointo tattoo studio in black onyx andjustice I always love to do just linethe top of your lash line and you cansee that just gives an amazing shape tothe eye already and then we'll just keepbuilding from there and we just put thaton the lash line and I'm just smudgingwe're gonna come back to that but fornow I just want to do this so I don'tmess up my eye shadow later amazing eyeshadow you do a swish of concealer overthe eyelid of course a lot of people doprimers and but I just always justconcealer I love the tattoo studiopencils for like an eyeshadow base and Ioften will shape the eye first these I'mgonna show up how to do a quick cutcrease I've seen it a lot in KennelClub's makeup both you did it on Naomiand it's just more about like shapingthe eye so we're gonna go into thecreaseand we're just gonna blend up into thebrow and then into the nose but you wantto do that when there's almost nothingleft onto the brush and you just take aq-tip with some makeup remover and youjust clean and create a sharp edge andthen that gives you somewhere to put theshadow this palette is called matteabout town and it's perfect it's kind ofthose mauve Browns which was so commonin the supermodel era so I'm gonna startwith this medium tone here and we'rejust gonna sweep on the outer corner andI'm gonna just follow that's sort oflike a line that I've made and you cankind of pull a bit outward because itwas all about a long gating nehi what'sgoing into this lighter shade here I'mjust gonna buff the edge and then startto bring it into the nose and into thebrow so I'm just taking a bit ofconcealer and you just fell right wherewe had initially erased it to make itwider there yeah because then that makesthis sort of like fake crease look morereal and you can't even keep goingdarker and darker I'm gonna just takethat pencil and you know to be honestlike drag makeup is hardcore rooted likewith that 90 supermodelan Instagram makeup is rooted in dragmakeup so this all comes yeah take thissort of lighter shade not the lightestand then we're just gonna Pat rightwhere we put all that concealer actuallywe didn't use a lot of concealer becauseyou take away with that q-tip so youdon't need to put too much productand then you take the leftover dustunder the brow and highlight and thenwe'll take our lightest color and onemore time it's just under the brow forthat highlight just throw it on quick goback into that darker which mustache youdoing good pick one so I'm gonna haveyou apply it for me and put you to workI'm just going to add a little touch ofliquid liner really thin again it'sreally not about that wing but I justwant to make your lashline really standout you have the shading here so just inorder to match that I here's our littletrick you just take a q-tip with alittle bit of remover and you justremove and get that sharp shape and justgo ahead and relax your browser sex I'mgoing to kind of match that side onceyou do something like this you createsort of your cut crease and then you canstart adding your shadow and highlightand that's really the trick to notputting too much makeup on and gettingthat perfectly cut crease so for thefinal coat of mascara cuz I love co-opso openly great lashes like I steal thisfrom my mom I think most the girls didlike specially in the 90s this was themascara to use I'm going to use almondRose lip liner and I think we can kindof go a little bit on top because thenthey always sort of overokay so rich chocolate so we're goingeven a darker shade because we're goingto do a really nude lipstick on top andthat's sort of lip line or anythingnow I've been doing some like magnet toclick I can't seem to get away frombecause this is such a look to do alittle bit of a darker lip liner thenyou blend inward and then you just usethe nude lipstick to sort of soften itso the next trick you can go back inright here can see on your blush on youjust had on top I'm not just softenseverything out and then you add yourlips so we're gonna go in with stagebabe this is it's like a beige e pinkypeach it's like a perfect neutral seeyou can go long with a dark lipstick andthen you can really like nude it outdon't be scared to go a little darkerthe concealer and then the lipstickcarries on[Music]you know we do that trick on yousometimes you're a little shadow we'regonna use a little touch a shadow almoston the outer edge of the lip just tomake it a little more greige rageyeah grazes the turn yeah so it's justadding the pink blush on it just on thecheekbones with that bronzer exact thinganymore you're still gorgeous I've lostso I hope you got super inspired by thissupermodel transformation there ninety Iknow I love it so muchlet us know in the comments sectionbelow what you guys think of this look Iabsolutely love it it's a dream cometrue- hello makeup done and also I have tosay if you have any questions about howto do something I'm going to try toanswer as many questions as I can sodefinitely comment hit that like buttonand subscribe and we will see you guysnext time[Music]you