[Music]hey guys welcome back to my channeltoday we're doing another wheelie if youguys are new to my channel we need standfor will I wear it it is a reviewsegment that I do on this channel alongwith swatches of the products so todaywe're going to be reviewing somethingthat I have promise for quite a whilethey are the maybelline waterproof geleyeliner if you guys wanna see if I willwear the products then let's get serviceto persons first what is this productactually these are eyeliners but theyare actually waterproof gel formulaeyeliner so basically these are slightlymore pigmented than usual eyeliners theyare also a more gel consistency whichmeans they are also smoother so theproduct description claims that theseare a gel formula which means they lastextremely long it even came to the lastup to 16 hours it also makes claims ofinsane pigmentation and being waterproofas well as much room for price each ofthese retail for 499 which is 500 rupeesidly and that's quite expensive if yougo to see for an eyeliner but these arewaterproof they last extremely long andby that I mean that the actual pencilnot extremely long so now the packagingthe product actually comes in a plasticbag it is filled inside it has all theproduct descriptions on the outside andit also speeds the color and all theclaims of this product put the pencilitself it comes in a color coded stickthat means if the color is purple thepencil is also in a purple shape it alsocomes with a clear cap which I find is alittle cheap looking my only problem issometimes I see like this cap does notfit properly on the pencil so it justslips off easily one thing I really likeis the pencil also has the name of thecolor on top of it I find that reallyhelpful especially for someone like mewhen I have to keep seeing the shadenames out loud one more thing that Inotice in the pencil does not come withits own sharpener so you can't sharpenthese very easily with other pencilshowever if you do have an eyelinerpencil for like a UNIX eyeliner or lackmy eyeliner and lip pencil you might beable to sharpen this better just makesure it is the right waist because theseare extremely soft and delicate so theymight break if you put them in a wrongshop nowshe is in the collection they have ninedifferent sheets I have fight with me ortoday I have all the colors with peopleI'm missing one that's silk in turquoiseI didn't pick up the black the brown orthe gray because I feel like I haveabundance of those liner so the shoeswhich I have are glossy Everest purenude polished Abbas's lustrous sapphireand striking copper pure emerald is anextremely gorgeous pure emerald greencolor this one is a metallic next issoft nude this is an extremely creamywhite beige color it is really nice toput in your waterline especially for aneveryday look it really helps to open upyour eyesthis one is not metallic and it is mattewhich I really really like the nextshade which is polished amethyst this isone of my favorites from the collectionthis one is a perfect metallic purple itis extremely vivid and I love theundertone of this purple it's not toolilac and it's not too dark lustrousrapa is one of the most amazing blues Ihave ever ever ever seen Oh war is whatI'm wearing on my eyes today this is notmetallic it is a matte beautifulbeautiful blue I will call it a royalblue because it is definitely not aturquoise blue and neither is it like areally dark blue for the last one isstriking copper this one is againanother gorgeous shade this is a veryvery very Indian colorit's a beautiful copper in cool and it'svery metallic so you can pair this withany sort of Indian item if you walk thison your eyelids before applying someeyeshadow on top it applies and one ofthe most perfect base colors now thepigmentation and texture which is one ofthe most important things for any wearythat I do on this channel please get anabsolute East lust for pigmentation theyare one swipe of Wonder you do not needmore than one swipe es if you do want tobuild the color you want to build apigmentation you can but they areabsolutely perfecteven with one slight extra grease issomething I haven't spent in quite awhile they have the most smooth gorgeousgel texture and it doesn't really hurtmy eyes even when I just swipe it on mywaterline a couple of times with one ifyou want to apply it on your waterlineyou may have tomore than once but like I am wearingtoday I'm wearing it on my top as wellas my waterline so on my lid I do notneed more than one swipe yeah I did gointo a couple of swells because I wantedto build the actual thickness of theeyeliner but in my waterline I had to goin for about two or three swipes just soI can build the same color that I haveon my lidI am super impressed by the texturethese are so smooth they just go on myeyes without tugging or pullingespecially the metallic one becauseusually metallic one will kind of stuffon your skin because of the shimmer butthese are metallic without actuallyhaving shimmer particles they have likereally micro shimmers in it which aren'treally chunky so they don't feel likeyou're wearing shimmer if your eyes aresensitive you have to try these overother eyeliners because I feel likethese glide on very easily and they donot irritate or trouble your eyes a lotnow one drawback for the texture is thatthey are so so so smooth that it is verydifficult for me especially to draw likea cat eye a winged liner or just do anysort of very very same stroke nowbecause I'm glad the strokes on this arequite thick but that is only because thetexture is absolutely buttery if youstill want to do a cat eye or a wingedliner you can take a thin eyeliner brushrub it on the tip of this eyeliner andthen try to make your cat eye I think ifyou want to go directly with a pencil itmight not be the best option becauseit's got a smudge everywhere now let'stalk about longevity I have tried two orthree of these or my eye through anentire day of work and yes I don't sweatin office but I do have oily eyelid sopencils like this will definitely slipslide and smudge on my eyelid but thisone did not really smudge at least forthe six to seven hours that I was atworkit is extremely humid in Indiaespecially in Bombay but I feel likethese do a really good job even in thehumidity for me these last approximatelysix to seven hours and that is extremelynicely they don't really smudge theydon't start peeling in different placesthey evenly fade out even when they doso these claim that they last up to 16hours which i think is a little bit of astretch because I don't think they lastmore than seven to eight hours maximumnow for another claim are this smudgeproof and waterproof eye swatch all ofthese on my hand right now and what I'mdoing is taking a makeupand trying to wipe it off this willprove do they actually smudge or arethey actually even waterproof like yousee they aren't actually budging ittakes quite a bit of swipes as well as alittle bit of pressure to actually getthese off although think I'm fooling youbecause this is not only for the handswatch even when taking it off youractual eyelid or your waterline it isthe same exact thing it takes quite abit of pressure to actually come off youmight need a little bit of cleansermakeup remover you might have to go intwice because it does take a little bitof effort come on it's a good thing inmy opinion because it actually meansthat it's long lasting now I'm justgoing to let you watch the swatches ofall these five shades on my hand as wellas on my[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]so the thing that I actually like aboutthese pencils we do stand up to theclaims they are waterproof they don'treally smudgethey are quite long-lasting we havebeautiful shades and colors I feel likeit is a perfect pick for anyone with anyeye color or skin color they aren't asexpensive as mag eyeliners but thequality definitely comes with so that'sa good thing because you're actuallygetting worse out of your penny they areextremely easily available you can buythem off mica or any Maybelline retailerwhat I like about the packaging a lot isthat they are color-coordinated I don'teven need to read the names or they arenot like dull black colors we have thecolor on them which is something Ireally really like and for the hero ofthis we are actually so pigmented andthe texture is so smooth they glide onso easily and it is absolutely likebutter we have quite a long stayingpower of approximately six to seven ourand even while actually smudging theydon't feel like installations at firstthey see it very equal and one thing Ireally like is that they have maps aswell as metallics so as a person wholikes math or metallics you can chooseeither one of the metallics don't havelike chunky shimmer or glitter which issomething I really like one big Pro isthat these are usually always ondiscount when Maybelline is on discountso the DM actually shooting this videoMaybelline is 25% off on mica and theseare only 324 feet right now of things Idon't like even if they are worth themoney they are slightly expensive at 500rupees each this cap on the packaging issomething I absolutely shake because itkeeps popping of all the colors and Ihave already lost three of these capsand use old eyepencil caps on thisanother thing I don't like is that theydon't really need to came in 16 oz Imean you can say it's long lasting the16 oz is kind of pushing it because I'vetried this couple of these and theydon't really last 16 hours like I toldyou before another thing is I wouldn'tlove for it to come with a sharpenerbecause if it did I didn't have to worryabout actually matching the size to someother lip liner eyeliner and finally thelast thing is that these are so smooththat you can't really create a cateyeliner or wind eyeliner look and ifyou are actually looking for somethinglike that you may have to use aneyeliner brush now finally for thea question will I wear it the answer isyes I will I absolutely love theseliners they're smooth they're pigmentedthey don't smudge they're waterproofthey don't tug they come in differenttextures different formulas I absolutelyam in love with these liners so that'sit for today's video if you guys doenjoy such videos and don't forget acomment down below tell me what productsyou want me to try mix and give thisvideo a big big thumbs up so I know Igot to do more review for you guys Ialso bought the Nikon gel eyeliner inthe exact same shade as this Maybellineone so if you guys do want me to do acomparison then don't forget to let meknow if you guys are subscribe to mychannel already what are you guys doingjust click on the subscribe button aswell as the bell icon now we receivenotifications every time I post a videoyou can also follow me on my socialmedias and we make up life on Instagramand Twitter and a great inna tegra onsnap I post on the things on snapchat sodon't forget to follow me there see younext time bye[Music]
Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Pencil Review + Hand and Eye Swatches || WIWI