DIY Makeup Brushes | DIY Blending Brush | Inspired By Sara’s Beauty Corner
Hey guys! I’m back with another DIY video inspired from “Sara’s Beauty Corner”, I absolutely love love love her and always try to recreate her DIYs.
I’m very very excited about this one as I have been planning it for a long time! So, here is a tutorial on how to make Makeup Brushes at home!!
Sounds interesting??
Go and watch the video and share it among all your friends and Makeup junkies 😍
Buying Makeup brushes is an expensive affair and even if we buy those cheap brush sets, we are never satisfied with the type of brushes we get in it! At least I never liked any of them!!!
So, why not make your own customised makeup brush at home with easily available materials and home supplies! I made an eyeshadow bleding brush, you can make whatever type of brush you want to.
Let me know if you found this helpful in the comments below!
Post your recreations on Instagram or Twitter tagging me and use #RealEasyDIY #DIYwithDiksha
⚠️Disclaimer⚠️ Use only soft and silky human hair for this DIY, apply lots of conditioner to the hair before using it in the brush as the skin of our eyelids and face is very sensitive 💜 Take care😊
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Music Credits : Grace Behind the Curtain